Thursday, December 17, 2015

Mass media-News Paper


The news paper,today's plays a vital role in human affaires.Its importance has not been diminished by the appearance of the radio or the television.Men no longer have travel to get information. The news paper has become main source of information about local and foreign affairs.Though the radio and television convey important news and massage quicker than the news paper,they seldom give the details of an incident.The news paper on the other hand gives not only more details about a particular incident but it also certain more new items. This is greatly important today when political changes occur with rapidity unknown before. Beside the news paper is easier to carry and it could be read at any time during the day.
The importance of newspaper has been increased greatly by the spread of education.Education sharpens one's curiosity about events in distant lands and also make one conscious of the necessity to maintain once reading habit.

News Paper

The press is an informal but very influential agency of education.The press includes news paper and magazines.They provide a variety of informations.They cover almost all area of knowledge.They are very useful in the teaching of various subjects.Instructions through news papers includes variety and an element of play way.

First news paper was PUBLIC OCCURENCES published by Ben Haris in 1690.First news paper in India was Bengal Gazette by James Auguste's Hicky in 1780.
The news papers are veryvuseful for the study of language.pupil learn many new words and many new expressions.Theyvlearn how to express themselves and how to follow the expression of others.As regards as as social studies they learn a lot about the society.There is much geographical and scientific informations also in daily papers and magazines.

Educational Advantages

Educational advantages dawn through the use of news paper as an instructional aid may be summarized.

*News paper can be a valuable source for generating an necessary interest in reading.They may also help in developing specific reading interest related to specific subjects and issues among the children from the vary beginning.

*As an instructional aid, news paper may help in the proper development of essential language and communication skill like reading,writing. Listening,speaking,summarizing,reporting,editing,critically evaluating, etc.

*Creative abilities and expression may also be well natured and developed through the help of news papers as an instructional aid.

*News paper may be the source of endless learning experience adaptable any subject of the school curriculum.Therefore they may become a big helping hand for gaining useful learning experience in anybarea and subjects of the school curriculum like language.mathematics, natural and applied science, arts and work.

*The use of news paper as an instructional aids may help the students to become lively,conscious alert and aware about their physical,cultural,social and political environment. They may be in constant touch about ,the people,place,events,and change going around them at the local,regional,national and global frontiers.Thus cultivating interesting in current events and latest knowledge is in fact Avery significant contribution of a news paper an instructional aidaid.

The educative role of news paper is to bring about proper knowledge and the socio political awareness among tpeople.Article related to health,fashion designing are also published to make the people/readers knowledge up to date.

News paper is the powerful means to bring socio-politic change and ensure better understanding of people about their right and duties as citizens and act as the public platform to express views even against the government.

The publications thatthat are published by the news papers are; Padippura,Kilivathil,Thozhil Vartha,Thozhil Veedhi,Vidhya,Service Lokam etc...


The world moves very fast and events happen very quickly in every sphere of life.people keep in close touch with the latest developments by reading news papers is the pioneer in the field of mass media.The primary function of the news paper is to provide news of all kinds.A successful news paper caters to the needs of all kinds of reader-scienist,sportsmen,politicians,businessmen, lawyer,students.The news paper updates our knowledge of the world around us.The newspapers has a very significant role in promoting national integration.


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